The latest articles on just ask zoopla

  1. The average rent in the UK is now £1,223 per month after 7.2% growth in the last year. The highest average rent in the UK is in London (£2,121) while the North East has the lowest monthly rent (£695).

  2. Too good to be true? Not so. If you're after a renovation project, investment opportunity , we've got 10 properties for sale for £10,000 or less.

  3. Gazundering is when a buyer slashes their offer on your home, usually at the last minute. It’s every seller’s worst nightmare. Here’s how to protect yourself from it happening to you.

  4. Seller discounts narrow in spring 2024 as more sales are agreed. Momentum is growing in the housing market and house prices don't need to fall further to support the continued recovery in sales.

  5. House price falls slow to -0.3% and market activity improves with more sales, lower discounts and greater choice. Here’s the latest on the UK housing market from the Zoopla House Price Index for March 2023.

  6. What is stamp duty, how much is it in the UK and when do you have to pay it? Get the lowdown and use our stamp duty calculator to work out how much you'll pay.
