Zoopla.co.uk unlocks access to additional 5 million property sales records

- Leading house prices website now lists over 15 million records dating back to 1995 -

Following the government's release of over 5 million additional sold house price records dating back to 1995 to add further transparency to the housing market, Zoopla.co.uk has become the first and only UK website to offer free, unrestricted access to this data.

Zoopla.co.uk, the UK's fastest growing property website, now provides over 15 million sold house price records across more than 10 million unique properties (40 per cent of all UK homes). As the leading source of house price and property market data in the UK, Zoopla.co.uk is fast-becoming the ultimate destination for those wishing to stay informed about the property market by also providing free, instant value estimates on all 27 million UK homes and free email alerts on local market activity, stats and trends.

With over 50 per cent more sale transaction records, Zoopla.co.uk now gives its users a significant advantage over other property websites and allows both consumers and property professionals to freely research historic property transactions like never before.

Alex Chesterman, CEO of Zoopla.co.uk commented:

"In our continued drive to deliver both transparency and efficiency to the property market, we are delighted to make this data available free to our users with an information advantage that is more relevant than ever in the face of the current market climate."

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