Zoopla supports Crisis at Christmas with homepage takeover

  • Zoopla is supporting Crisis’s Christmas fundraising campaign with a homepage takeover and new articles for consumers on its website - all aimed at driving donations to the campaign

  • It follows the launch of a three-year partnership in August, which will enable Zoopla to leverage its unique market position and brand awareness to support Crisis’s mission to end homelessness

  • Zoopla employees have been using their ‘Good Deed Day’ to volunteer at Crisis warehouses, stores and Skylight Centres across the country - and have also raised over £55,000 this year for the charity

Zoopla has today shared details of how it is supporting its charity partner Crisis in the run-up to the festive period. The collaboration follows the announcement of a three-year partnership in August, which aims to leverage Zoopla’s unique market position to further Crisis’s mission to end homelessness.

Crisis’s fundraising campaign will be visible on Zoopla’s homepage and will be supported by a series of articles within Zoopla’s ‘News & Guide’ section. This includes advice for landlords wishing to help tenants who may be at risk of homelessness, as well as further information on why Zoopla has partnered with Crisis.

As part of the partnership, Zoopla employees have also been using their ‘Good Deed Day’ to volunteer at Crisis warehouses, stores and Skylight Centres across the country - and have raised over £55,000 this year for the charity.

Alongside this, Zoopla will also be continuing to co-publish research with Crisis on key topics such as the challenges of accessing affordable private rented accommodation for those on the lowest incomes

Zoopla will also be leveraging its Lettings Advisory Board to inform its partnership with Crisis. The Board, which is composed of industry experts and influencers from across the lettings sector, aims to support the sustainable growth of the rental market and create a sector that maintains supply and supports renters, landlords and agents to evolve with the changing market and policy environment.

Commenting on the partnership, Charlie Bryant, CEO of Zoopla, said: “Crisis at Christmas is a fantastic initiative and we’re delighted to be playing our part to drive both awareness of the campaign and homelessness, as well as donations to help those most in need this Christmas. We’re just getting started when it comes to our partnership, and I look forward to working closely with both the Crisis team and our agent customers to make further inroads next year when it comes to ending homelessness.”

Matt Downie, Crisis Chief Executive, said: “We’d like to say a huge thank you to our charity partner Zoopla for their amazing support this Christmas. It is only because of their continued support, that we are able to be here at both Christmas, and all year-round, for people experiencing homelessness up and down the country.

“As the cost of living continues to bite, their generous support ensures that we can provide warmth, companionship and support to people this Christmas and help them take their first steps out of homelessness. Because only when we stand together will we get closer to our ultimate goal of ending homelessness for good.”

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