The latest articles on budgeting

  1. What is the Bank Rate? Why do interest rates change? And what does it all mean for your mortgage repayments? Here’s everything you need to know about interest rates and how they affect you.

  2. Ready to step onto the property ladder? Saving for a deposit can feel like a huge task, but a bigger deposit can save you money in the long run. Here's what help you can get and how much you need for a house deposit in 2024.

  3. Sadly, the bills must be paid to keep a home running smoothly. Warm cosy nights in front of the TV don't come for free when you're a homeowner. Let’s take a look at the regular household bills you’ll need to budget for.

  4. With the energy price cap set to rise to £3,240 in October, we look at the help available if you’re worried about getting into ‘energy debt’ and the steps you can take to lower your energy bills.
